Thursday, November 13, 2008

Which one? or anymore ideas?

Okay~ question... which of these colour do you like best for Mimi's mascot's school uniform? or do you think another colour scheme would be good?

[bah i accidently pressed 'enter' on my last post and now its only a title T__T" how do i delete it?]


Sam said...
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Sam said...

nice drawings, i like 3

skulko said...

thnx alot =]

Sam said...

so did you teach yourself to draw or is it something you've always been able to do?

skulko said...

it's all practice =] trust me~ even the worst of us can become pro if you have enough dedication ^__^"

just look at one of my friends improvement in just 1-2 years

im sure his improvement will give you inspiration

Sam said...

Well there may be hope for me yet, but I think ill mainly stick to my crazy building ideas...but drawing would be less hazardous :)

Anonymous said...

Ohh they all look so good, I'd have a hard time picking too! Whichever one people like i guess ^^ Again, excellent work and keep it up!