havn't posted anything for a few days as i was preparing for the yr12 formal(prom, ball, whatever you call it) so heres quite a long post. The only thing i can say right now is...bleh~ because that's exactly how my yr12 formal was like. It was such a shock to be confronted with such a crappy formal after the enjoyment experienced during my formal in yr10.
In yr10, my formal was located in a rather large building that was reserved just for our school with a huge garden out the front, large dance floor, separate room for the professional photographer and friendly staff. In comparison, the yr12 formal, although near the Harbour Bridge with a water view was soo much worse =[. The formal was set to start at 7pm and thus it grew dark pretty quickly cancelling our view of the harbour rendering our location quite meaningless. To make matters worse (although not any one's fault) it was raining throughout the entire evening. The actual inside of the place where we had dinner also had small tables that 10 people had to squeeze around as they served the most revolting salad to every second person and an average salad to everyone else. The thing i don't get about the dinner was that we had no choice of what food we got (in yr10 we got to choose our food before hand so everyone was happy) the main dish as either a chicken drumstick or a small piece of steak with a dumping of stale pasta or potatoes. To make matters worse when the dessert came (choice(?) of choc ice cream sort of thing or a random rectangle slice of apple pie) of course everyone wanted the choc ice cream but the guy serving our table purposely gave the girls the choc ice cream first then handed out the rest randomly =S.
In the end their were many apple pies left on every table as we got up to either go outside into the drizzle or cramp in on the small dancefloor as the deafening music started. My friends decided to head outside as we took a limited amount of photos then quietly left the function to an appartment another friend had rented out in the city. the formal was due to end at midnight but at least half the people disappointedly left from about 10pm onwards.
The afters(after party) i'm glad to say was infinitely times better then the formal and made what would be a sad evening into one filled with joy. The appartment we stayed in was 56 stories up and had a marvelous view over the entire city. There was at least 20 people in the room at any one time which was fun as everyone split into smaller groups and did their own thing. Alot of old games came up bringing back sweet memories that i had experienced in primary school. Jenga and Uno come to mind when i say this as we had alot of laughs watching some of our half-drunk friends trying to pull out blocks from the jenga tower only to get hit over the head by a falling pile of jenga bricks. Although i did not drink any alcohol the people who did fortunately either went hyperactive or sleepy but no one got violent ^__^".
At about 2-3am a few of my friends decided to go to one of the three bedrooms of the apartment and take a rest. obviously they couldn't get to sleep due to a few drunk friends walking in and out of the rooms yelling things i'd rather not mention on this blog. a while after i decided to join my friends in the bedroom settling myself on a sofa-couch near the window as we began to chat away about how funny other people in the apartment acted when drunk. Soon enough another friend entered the room and the conversation grew and grew till about 4-5am when atleast seven people where resting at various places around the bedroom as the conversation took a turn to a clasic game of 'truth of dare'. Of course i can't mention anything we said in that game as it was classified as 'bedtalk' where no one was to tell anyone outside the room what had been said xD.
As time past more people entered forcing us to stop our game of 'truth or dare' untill finally with the exception of one or two people everyone else who had stayed overnight in the apartment had ended up in the room. We had the appartment untill 10am and found ourselves staring at the small alarm clock as the time passed away from 6am onwards. By 8am some people started to get hungry, so we made our way down to hungry jacks, our eyes like pandas from the lack of sleep. upon return to the appartment people had disbanded from the room and scattered throughout the appartment. I decided to sit with my friends in a small room surounded on two sides by large glass windows overlooking the city drinking water and coffee as we waited for 10am to arrive and thus go home for our long awaited sleep.
I guess this is a classic example of a good situation coming from a bad one. although the $85 i paid for the formal is all but gone i'm glad that i went as i would of never gone to the afters if i hadn't.
In yr10, my formal was located in a rather large building that was reserved just for our school with a huge garden out the front, large dance floor, separate room for the professional photographer and friendly staff. In comparison, the yr12 formal, although near the Harbour Bridge with a water view was soo much worse =[. The formal was set to start at 7pm and thus it grew dark pretty quickly cancelling our view of the harbour rendering our location quite meaningless. To make matters worse (although not any one's fault) it was raining throughout the entire evening. The actual inside of the place where we had dinner also had small tables that 10 people had to squeeze around as they served the most revolting salad to every second person and an average salad to everyone else. The thing i don't get about the dinner was that we had no choice of what food we got (in yr10 we got to choose our food before hand so everyone was happy) the main dish as either a chicken drumstick or a small piece of steak with a dumping of stale pasta or potatoes. To make matters worse when the dessert came (choice(?) of choc ice cream sort of thing or a random rectangle slice of apple pie) of course everyone wanted the choc ice cream but the guy serving our table purposely gave the girls the choc ice cream first then handed out the rest randomly =S.
In the end their were many apple pies left on every table as we got up to either go outside into the drizzle or cramp in on the small dancefloor as the deafening music started. My friends decided to head outside as we took a limited amount of photos then quietly left the function to an appartment another friend had rented out in the city. the formal was due to end at midnight but at least half the people disappointedly left from about 10pm onwards.
The afters(after party) i'm glad to say was infinitely times better then the formal and made what would be a sad evening into one filled with joy. The appartment we stayed in was 56 stories up and had a marvelous view over the entire city. There was at least 20 people in the room at any one time which was fun as everyone split into smaller groups and did their own thing. Alot of old games came up bringing back sweet memories that i had experienced in primary school. Jenga and Uno come to mind when i say this as we had alot of laughs watching some of our half-drunk friends trying to pull out blocks from the jenga tower only to get hit over the head by a falling pile of jenga bricks. Although i did not drink any alcohol the people who did fortunately either went hyperactive or sleepy but no one got violent ^__^".
At about 2-3am a few of my friends decided to go to one of the three bedrooms of the apartment and take a rest. obviously they couldn't get to sleep due to a few drunk friends walking in and out of the rooms yelling things i'd rather not mention on this blog. a while after i decided to join my friends in the bedroom settling myself on a sofa-couch near the window as we began to chat away about how funny other people in the apartment acted when drunk. Soon enough another friend entered the room and the conversation grew and grew till about 4-5am when atleast seven people where resting at various places around the bedroom as the conversation took a turn to a clasic game of 'truth of dare'. Of course i can't mention anything we said in that game as it was classified as 'bedtalk' where no one was to tell anyone outside the room what had been said xD.
As time past more people entered forcing us to stop our game of 'truth or dare' untill finally with the exception of one or two people everyone else who had stayed overnight in the apartment had ended up in the room. We had the appartment untill 10am and found ourselves staring at the small alarm clock as the time passed away from 6am onwards. By 8am some people started to get hungry, so we made our way down to hungry jacks, our eyes like pandas from the lack of sleep. upon return to the appartment people had disbanded from the room and scattered throughout the appartment. I decided to sit with my friends in a small room surounded on two sides by large glass windows overlooking the city drinking water and coffee as we waited for 10am to arrive and thus go home for our long awaited sleep.
I guess this is a classic example of a good situation coming from a bad one. although the $85 i paid for the formal is all but gone i'm glad that i went as i would of never gone to the afters if i hadn't.
Good to see everything turned out good for you, I didn't even make it to yr12
aww good memories haha <3
5some! 5some! ==' oops.
hehee x]
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