Following from Mimi's new change to her header, I decided to try give my blog more of a unique/personal touch and change the header too. A big thanks to Mimi for telling me how to change the header picture ^__^ The art isn't mine though, I used the picture with permission from one of my school friends (artist alias: Rosen) who also is a very talented artist(Sorry guys xP i had to censor out her 'eyes'). One question i would like to ask is if anybody knows how to change the background of a blog, you can see on mine that there is a slight colour change behind the text and i want to remove it but don't know how =[
I think my blog looks better now =] feedback anyone?
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Momo edited version

Hope i got it right this time ^__^"
Young Momo

Presenting to you... MOMO [Mimi's mascot]~ (when she was much younger) ^__^"
i tried to do the puffy hair anime look when drawing momo and it turned out that she looks really young hehe'. i don't know if i will colour this one though cuz atm i really suck at colouring hair~ anyone wanna have a go? took a while to complete this one and hope people like it ^__^"
well... don't have much more else to say so i guess i'll just go watch something now xDxD
Facebook/Bebo/MySpace/etc rules: computer
I did not write the following things but after searching through ancient posts that i had on my bebo account a looooong time ago i decided to post it up here on my blog (don't be offended xD it's just for laughs)
Rules for the internet:
If you're ugly,
stop acting like you don't know it.
The captions under you picture that says
"top model pose"
"sexy bitch"
"arnt i hot"
doesn't convince anyone.
To the people who have like 25,000 friends,
are you serious?
Nobody in this universe can keep up with that many friends.
You're stupid.
Go play in traffic.
Don't ever post pictures and say
"OMG, I'm so ugly"
"OMG,I'm so fat"
because if you were,
you wouldn't post them.
Nobody cares about threats over the internet.
Don't try to act hardcore with the keyboard.
Fighting online is like racing in the special olympics;
even if you win,
you're still retarded.
Making 20 bulletins a day
about how you have new pictures
and begging people to comment on them is pathetic.
Make the bulletin once if you have to,
and those who actually care about you
will comment on your pics.
If all your pictures look the same,
don't post them all.
Please put some variety in your pics.
Nobody wants to see your face
8 different ways.
Who really cares if
I don't accept you as a friend?
Don't send me another request or message asking
"what's up with you not adding me?"
I don't want you as a friend;
that's what's up!
Little 6th graders who have bebos/FB
and look like sluts,
go somewhere else
because nobody wants you here.!!!
If you have decided to read this,
you are a true bebo/FB/MS Friend.
Real friends read their bulletins.
I say you go and pass this on
and maybe it will finally get through people's brains
(if they have them).
And if you open a msg and it says something like
"repost this in 100 seconds or a ghost will rape your dog tonight,"
"like omg if u dnt repost dis in 1 second at midnte/ and if you do at midnight your true love will...SHUTUP U F*CKIN @$$HOLES!!! $hit aint gonna happen"
Anyways~ will post a new pic of Momo once i scan it and tidy up ^___^"
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Formal Disappointment

havn't posted anything for a few days as i was preparing for the yr12 formal(prom, ball, whatever you call it) so heres quite a long post. The only thing i can say right now is...bleh~ because that's exactly how my yr12 formal was like. It was such a shock to be confronted with such a crappy formal after the enjoyment experienced during my formal in yr10.
In yr10, my formal was located in a rather large building that was reserved just for our school with a huge garden out the front, large dance floor, separate room for the professional photographer and friendly staff. In comparison, the yr12 formal, although near the Harbour Bridge with a water view was soo much worse =[. The formal was set to start at 7pm and thus it grew dark pretty quickly cancelling our view of the harbour rendering our location quite meaningless. To make matters worse (although not any one's fault) it was raining throughout the entire evening. The actual inside of the place where we had dinner also had small tables that 10 people had to squeeze around as they served the most revolting salad to every second person and an average salad to everyone else. The thing i don't get about the dinner was that we had no choice of what food we got (in yr10 we got to choose our food before hand so everyone was happy) the main dish as either a chicken drumstick or a small piece of steak with a dumping of stale pasta or potatoes. To make matters worse when the dessert came (choice(?) of choc ice cream sort of thing or a random rectangle slice of apple pie) of course everyone wanted the choc ice cream but the guy serving our table purposely gave the girls the choc ice cream first then handed out the rest randomly =S.
In the end their were many apple pies left on every table as we got up to either go outside into the drizzle or cramp in on the small dancefloor as the deafening music started. My friends decided to head outside as we took a limited amount of photos then quietly left the function to an appartment another friend had rented out in the city. the formal was due to end at midnight but at least half the people disappointedly left from about 10pm onwards.
The afters(after party) i'm glad to say was infinitely times better then the formal and made what would be a sad evening into one filled with joy. The appartment we stayed in was 56 stories up and had a marvelous view over the entire city. There was at least 20 people in the room at any one time which was fun as everyone split into smaller groups and did their own thing. Alot of old games came up bringing back sweet memories that i had experienced in primary school. Jenga and Uno come to mind when i say this as we had alot of laughs watching some of our half-drunk friends trying to pull out blocks from the jenga tower only to get hit over the head by a falling pile of jenga bricks. Although i did not drink any alcohol the people who did fortunately either went hyperactive or sleepy but no one got violent ^__^".
At about 2-3am a few of my friends decided to go to one of the three bedrooms of the apartment and take a rest. obviously they couldn't get to sleep due to a few drunk friends walking in and out of the rooms yelling things i'd rather not mention on this blog. a while after i decided to join my friends in the bedroom settling myself on a sofa-couch near the window as we began to chat away about how funny other people in the apartment acted when drunk. Soon enough another friend entered the room and the conversation grew and grew till about 4-5am when atleast seven people where resting at various places around the bedroom as the conversation took a turn to a clasic game of 'truth of dare'. Of course i can't mention anything we said in that game as it was classified as 'bedtalk' where no one was to tell anyone outside the room what had been said xD.
As time past more people entered forcing us to stop our game of 'truth or dare' untill finally with the exception of one or two people everyone else who had stayed overnight in the apartment had ended up in the room. We had the appartment untill 10am and found ourselves staring at the small alarm clock as the time passed away from 6am onwards. By 8am some people started to get hungry, so we made our way down to hungry jacks, our eyes like pandas from the lack of sleep. upon return to the appartment people had disbanded from the room and scattered throughout the appartment. I decided to sit with my friends in a small room surounded on two sides by large glass windows overlooking the city drinking water and coffee as we waited for 10am to arrive and thus go home for our long awaited sleep.
I guess this is a classic example of a good situation coming from a bad one. although the $85 i paid for the formal is all but gone i'm glad that i went as i would of never gone to the afters if i hadn't.
In yr10, my formal was located in a rather large building that was reserved just for our school with a huge garden out the front, large dance floor, separate room for the professional photographer and friendly staff. In comparison, the yr12 formal, although near the Harbour Bridge with a water view was soo much worse =[. The formal was set to start at 7pm and thus it grew dark pretty quickly cancelling our view of the harbour rendering our location quite meaningless. To make matters worse (although not any one's fault) it was raining throughout the entire evening. The actual inside of the place where we had dinner also had small tables that 10 people had to squeeze around as they served the most revolting salad to every second person and an average salad to everyone else. The thing i don't get about the dinner was that we had no choice of what food we got (in yr10 we got to choose our food before hand so everyone was happy) the main dish as either a chicken drumstick or a small piece of steak with a dumping of stale pasta or potatoes. To make matters worse when the dessert came (choice(?) of choc ice cream sort of thing or a random rectangle slice of apple pie) of course everyone wanted the choc ice cream but the guy serving our table purposely gave the girls the choc ice cream first then handed out the rest randomly =S.
In the end their were many apple pies left on every table as we got up to either go outside into the drizzle or cramp in on the small dancefloor as the deafening music started. My friends decided to head outside as we took a limited amount of photos then quietly left the function to an appartment another friend had rented out in the city. the formal was due to end at midnight but at least half the people disappointedly left from about 10pm onwards.
The afters(after party) i'm glad to say was infinitely times better then the formal and made what would be a sad evening into one filled with joy. The appartment we stayed in was 56 stories up and had a marvelous view over the entire city. There was at least 20 people in the room at any one time which was fun as everyone split into smaller groups and did their own thing. Alot of old games came up bringing back sweet memories that i had experienced in primary school. Jenga and Uno come to mind when i say this as we had alot of laughs watching some of our half-drunk friends trying to pull out blocks from the jenga tower only to get hit over the head by a falling pile of jenga bricks. Although i did not drink any alcohol the people who did fortunately either went hyperactive or sleepy but no one got violent ^__^".
At about 2-3am a few of my friends decided to go to one of the three bedrooms of the apartment and take a rest. obviously they couldn't get to sleep due to a few drunk friends walking in and out of the rooms yelling things i'd rather not mention on this blog. a while after i decided to join my friends in the bedroom settling myself on a sofa-couch near the window as we began to chat away about how funny other people in the apartment acted when drunk. Soon enough another friend entered the room and the conversation grew and grew till about 4-5am when atleast seven people where resting at various places around the bedroom as the conversation took a turn to a clasic game of 'truth of dare'. Of course i can't mention anything we said in that game as it was classified as 'bedtalk' where no one was to tell anyone outside the room what had been said xD.
As time past more people entered forcing us to stop our game of 'truth or dare' untill finally with the exception of one or two people everyone else who had stayed overnight in the apartment had ended up in the room. We had the appartment untill 10am and found ourselves staring at the small alarm clock as the time passed away from 6am onwards. By 8am some people started to get hungry, so we made our way down to hungry jacks, our eyes like pandas from the lack of sleep. upon return to the appartment people had disbanded from the room and scattered throughout the appartment. I decided to sit with my friends in a small room surounded on two sides by large glass windows overlooking the city drinking water and coffee as we waited for 10am to arrive and thus go home for our long awaited sleep.
I guess this is a classic example of a good situation coming from a bad one. although the $85 i paid for the formal is all but gone i'm glad that i went as i would of never gone to the afters if i hadn't.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Getting fit

Bleh!~ i am so dead right now... muscles aching like hell @_@". Yesterday night i went to play badminton after more then half of year of avoiding sports (due to yr12 study). It was really frightening how un-fit i had actually gotten over my time lazing around and i found myself needing to grab a drink faster then the old guy opposite me could hit the shuttle. Hopefully i can regain my former fitness before i go on holidays and grow fat again =P
so i went to bed yesterday night feeling tired but not aching. when i woke i was almost dead with cramps and aches from my shoulders all the way down to my feet. what makes it worse was i had to visit the dentist today and sat with my mouth hanging open and body aching while somebody stuck pieces of metal and pipes in my mouth =[
anyway, i guess that means more morning runs for me and maybe start weights again ^__^"
so i went to bed yesterday night feeling tired but not aching. when i woke i was almost dead with cramps and aches from my shoulders all the way down to my feet. what makes it worse was i had to visit the dentist today and sat with my mouth hanging open and body aching while somebody stuck pieces of metal and pipes in my mouth =[
anyway, i guess that means more morning runs for me and maybe start weights again ^__^"
Mimi's Mascot Avatar

Yes!~ My CG streak continues as i have finished another one ^__^" The above picture was done after looking at mimi's avatar and deciding it would be cool for her to have a sweeter looking one (i think that her version is still very cute though =D). I'm overall satisfied with my work on the pic although i think i need to learn how to colour hair better =[. Overall it's been tremendous fun do recreate mimi's mascot and ill gladly do more art of her in the future since shes fun to draw~
I've been thinking of drawing Suenaga Haruka and mimi's mascot together~ and will start as soon as find inspiration for a good enough pose.
As a treat~ and seeing that alot of people on have already gotten into the christmas mood i 'borrowed' Mirai's santa hat and re-adjusted it to fit on mimi's mascots head (she really needs to get a name soon xD) as can be seen here:
I've been thinking of drawing Suenaga Haruka and mimi's mascot together~ and will start as soon as find inspiration for a good enough pose.
As a treat~ and seeing that alot of people on have already gotten into the christmas mood i 'borrowed' Mirai's santa hat and re-adjusted it to fit on mimi's mascots head (she really needs to get a name soon xD) as can be seen here:
Of course i must note that i did NOT draw or colour the santa hat and as i talked about above i just used the one on Mirai's head ^___^ (my thanks to the artist, was it Azami Yuko?)

hope you all like the pics ^__________________________________________^"
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Which one? or anymore ideas?

All over the world i have noticed an emergence of mascots from all walks of life. Long gone is the time that mascots were limited to little cute fuzzy things that many fan girls (and fan boys) squealed over as they were usually fluff balls no bigger then an other characters head. In the present day mascots have taken a turn towards the shape of human beings (though not always actual humans). Of course as every Otaku would know MOE sells. Many mascots are obviously much better then their fluffy-fluff-ball-of-fluff counterparts as can be seen by the above picture of Mirai.
Lately i have become increasingly addicted to drawing other peoples mascots as they appear to me to be akin to the newcomers in the world of anime/manga. I do not (at the moment) want to draw mascots from animes and mangas or even characters from them for that matter~ instead i will be focussing on people's original characters (OC) to help promote these little guys facing an extremely big world.
Here are some of my initial sketch/inks of mimi's mascot (name i do not it also mimi?)
Lately i have become increasingly addicted to drawing other peoples mascots as they appear to me to be akin to the newcomers in the world of anime/manga. I do not (at the moment) want to draw mascots from animes and mangas or even characters from them for that matter~ instead i will be focussing on people's original characters (OC) to help promote these little guys facing an extremely big world.
Here are some of my initial sketch/inks of mimi's mascot (name i do not it also mimi?)
[Mimi's mascot initial sketches]
Even though i am going to colour it and all i would like to say that this is NOT the final product i want to complete. As you may be able to tell my lack of creativity has left Mimi's mascot in the cute but kinda mundane sailor uniform. Anyway~ i wanna ask anyone for ideas that you could think of for the clothes and accesories for the mascot. I wanna make her much more unique so she stands out more you see? x3. any ideas would be welcome =D
i also loved the expression Mimi placed on her mascots face just had to copy it onto my own drawings =] (yes yes Mimi is more creative then me) 8D
i also loved the expression Mimi placed on her mascots face just had to copy it onto my own drawings =] (yes yes Mimi is more creative then me) 8D
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Suenaga Haruka

I'm sure at one point or another we have all seen an anime or manga character in which you just immediately take a liking to. Well for me, two of these such characters were not from an anime or manga at all~ instead it was from Danny Choo's website where he's awesome mascots caught my eye. I had wanted to do a fan-art of his two mascots since i first joined the site but as i was tied down by final exams studies and school work i never really got to doing it. However since i have kissed school goodbye i now have completed (inked and coloured) my first picture of Suenaga Haruka in which i think is one of my best manga-based CGs so far.
Info of Suenaga Haruka can be found here ^__^"
Although Haruka and Mirai are both Danny's mascots i have come to realise that Mirai (in terms of popularity) beats Haruka hands down. Hopefully my artwork well help boost Haruka's popularity =] I had previously done a drawing of Mirai for Halloween here but i have realise now that i had much more fun drawing Haruka then Mirai although i still like both of the alot. Am i one of the very few that like Haruka more then Mirai? o.O
Anyway~ heres a pic of the drawing i did for Haruka before i coloured it (i ink the and draw on paper then colour on the computer =p)
[line art of Haruka Suenaga (Anyone want to have a go at colouring?]
Info of Suenaga Haruka can be found here ^__^"
Although Haruka and Mirai are both Danny's mascots i have come to realise that Mirai (in terms of popularity) beats Haruka hands down. Hopefully my artwork well help boost Haruka's popularity =] I had previously done a drawing of Mirai for Halloween here but i have realise now that i had much more fun drawing Haruka then Mirai although i still like both of the alot. Am i one of the very few that like Haruka more then Mirai? o.O
Anyway~ heres a pic of the drawing i did for Haruka before i coloured it (i ink the and draw on paper then colour on the computer =p)

As you might notice with your super keen artistic eye, i have slightly altered her proportions and face on the coloured version to give her a more gentle look =] If anyone actually reads this and isn't a member of then why not click on the link and become a member =]
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Finished ends and new beginnings
It seems strange that only a few weeks ago i was cramming headlong into what would be my last exams i would ever do in school (actually, i'm not the type to seriously study =]). Thankfully, those days are finally over and after 13 gruelling years of sheer boredom i now have time for... a lifetime of more boredom? hopefully not. High school wasn't actually that bad although it was very mundane to say the very least. no bullying. no fights. no epic highlight. yet no big downtimes either. All in all its just been what a typical school kid goes through.
Now that i have so much time on my hands i have decided to:
1) Start Blogging:
I guess i will be blogging anything i find interesting in my day-to-day life as well as share some of my thoughts on other topics that may arise such as the latest animes, mangas and all other otaku kind of things. Hopefully i can keep my interest in blogging and this blog will survive for a whole lot longer then half dozen posts.
2) Drastically improve on my drawing skills:
I plan to start a doujin soon (influenced by my friend who is rapidly becoming a great artist who can kick my @$$ anyday in drawing) to improve on my drawing skills so that i may become good enough to recieve commisions. I need someway of earning money for myself and as i'm best at art i'm trying to take advantage of it. There are many Narutards, Bleachbeaches, etc. that thankfully will rip themselves off at anime convensions and dig out $5 to get their hands on a scribble that resembles one of their favourite characters =]
3) Perhaps lose some of the HSC weight i must have put on:
errmm... *cough*... HSC was an excuse to be lazy x( but that will have to change >=]
4) Prepare for life in uni:
If my UAI is good enough i might make it into my desired course of dentistry. only thing is that i would have to move interstate as there are unfortunately no uni's that offer dentistry straight off in sydney. My first choice i think would have to be moving to Adelaide Uni or somewhere in QLD where i would be living by myself =O (thankfully there are still narutards in adelaide =D)
So as my life as a high school student comes to and end, new beginnings open up infront of me offering many unexpected turns and twist most people call life~
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