OK~ i've been having the biggest dry spell of creativity that i can ever remember. somehow even when i start trying to draw something i just cant keep the interest to finish it off. things have been picking up pace now and the days seem to be passing quicker then before.
last saturday however, i went to another dance event (Dancekool student showcase) that the same friend as before(reese) was performing in. as was expected from him (for those who know him) he was going to perform a dance routine with a bunch of girls (him being the only guy) with the chosen style of...*drum roll*... GIRLS HIP-HOP!~ perhaps the idea of a 'guy' doing 'girls' hip hop seems a little strange but if you know him it might not seem so far off. sometime during his performance reese came to the front of the stage and performed a solo showing off his femininity to the max with the encouragement from the huge roars of approval (or laughter) from the audience. he later swore that night that he would never do girls hip hop for the next 50 years xD.
supprisingly that day went very smoothly, something that sadly doesnt happen often when i go out with friends. normally when i go out i end up waiting alone or with other friends for more friends to come and when they eventually do, we sit around for quite a while wondering what to do ( ever happen to you?)
however that day was different. my friend came to my house in the morningso i could give him some songs then we left the house for the train station. as luck would (or wouldnt) have it the train arrived just ahead of us and we could do nothing but watch it leave the station, with us knowing that the next train only came every 30 mins. but ofcourse for such a day we altered our plans and directed our feet to the nearest Subway(the food outlet, not train station =P) by the time we got back to the station with a bottle of coke and a 6 inch sub in each hand it was only a 3 minute wait till the train came. getting out at townhall station we immediatedly met up with another friend who happened to be on the same train but different carriage. after a short detour to fix some sun glasses we headed upstairs to Kino where my friends spent some time trying to find a christmas present for one of their other friends. we later met up with two more friends, bought a book, went shopping for presents, ate frkn super expensive icecream, went to chinatown for more present searching, dinner then my friends left to see a movie while i made my way to the dance event. it was about 6pm when i got to the venue with the showcase not starting untill 7. slowly looking for a place to sit i unexpectedly met up with a girl from my school so we just hung around the front entrance untill it was time to go in. i can say that it was much better to watch the showcase with someone else rather then being alone. after the showcase i met up with reese then slowly made my way home.
in a few days i have to go to adelaide for a Uni interview, then a few days after that fly to perth for a day to meet some of my mums old friends then fly off to malaysia where i will be spending christmas. on the 6th jan im flying to HK to meet my grandma and some friends then finally come back home on the 18th jan where again i will have a few months of boredom. im thinking of perhaps taking some dance lessons to kill time when i get back from overseas though.
im not sure if im going to post anything from now until i come back from my holidays but im pretty certain i will have alot to post about once i come back. hopefully my creativity will be rebooted by a trip overseas and i will be spouting out mountains of artworks once again. =]
well until i post again~ bye for now ^__^"
@Skulko: Hey man, sorry to hear about the dry spell. But you're right, sometimes need to step back or find a change of pace. Sometimes creating for *others* helps me. Sometimes creating for *myself* too. It depends...
Good luck! Hope u find what you're looking for overseas.
Hey! Hope you're doing alright... did you get my Christmas present? lol i can email them to you i guess.
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